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Money Saving Tips

The Top 5 Benefits Of Carpooling For Your Kids

carpoolingWhen you’ve been dropping off your son or daughter at school, have you noticed that more and more parents are actually carpooling? There are many reasons why it’s something that you should think about. Carpooling is not just what a lot of kids enjoy doing while spending some time with their friends on the way to school (and back home), but it can also make the parents of those children’s lives much easier.

Are you curious about what some of the main benefits of carpooling your kids are? If so, we have five good reasons why you should get on a carpool list as early as tomorrow morning (if you can):

It will save you money. Probably the most attractive thing about carpooling is that it keeps you from having to consistently spend money on things such as gas and parking fees. As parents rotate the carpool duty, it gives everyone a chance to be able to keep a few dollars in their own pockets. As a matter of fact, some reports say that it can ultimately save you as much as 50 percent in expenses.

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Money Saving Tips

5 Ways Students Can Save Big Money

Students usually have to live on a tight budget as most of their time is spent studying rather than working and earning an income.  As a result, it is important that students take advantage of the savings that is available to them.  Below are just a few ways that students can save.

1. Save big on your banking.  Most financial institutions provide free banking to university and college students.  All you need to do is provide proof of enrollment and you shouldn’t have to pay monthly fees or transaction fees on your bank account.  This perk can result in significant savings for you, especially if you do a lot of banking transactions each month.  Remember to provide proof of enrolment every year to your bank; otherwise you will end up with fees after the year has passed.  Most financial institutions won’t remind you, so be sure to mark your calendars to avoid fees.

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Money Saving Tips

How To Save Money On Halloween Costumes

I was listening to a CBC radio station last night and there was a feature about how much Canadian parents are spending on Halloween costumes for their children, and on Halloween in general.  I could hardly believe my ears when I heard that parents were spending on average about $50 for one costume, and that’s not including all the accessories!  Apparently by the time all is said and done, Halloween is costing between $100 and $150 per child in a Canadian household.  Yikes!

This may be all fine and good for parents who can afford this, but it makes me sad to think of all the kids whose parents really shouldn’t be spending that much money on Halloween.  The good news is that costumes can be made quite cheaply with some creativity and flexibility.

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Money Saving Tips

Is Inflexibility Costing Millions?

In the wake of the financial crisis, it’s no surprise that people have been looking to save money wherever possible. For the majority of people this has meant cutting back on a few luxuries and trying to shave a few pennies off day to day costs, whilst a minority have cut costs by accidentally (or intentionally) committing insurance fraud.

The irony is, however, that the easiest ways of saving money at the moment are being blindly ignored by the majority of the population. Recent research suggested that an embarrassing 17% of people have chosen to change financial providers in order to get a better deal.

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Money Saving Tips

5 Ways Expats Can Maximize Their Savings

Living as a foreigner can be daunting at times.  You face culture shock and you become exposed to all sorts of things that differ from your home country.  You will be sure to find some of what you experience to be fascinating, while other things may horrify you.

Depending on where you live, you may face greater living expenses and miscellaneous expenses than you first anticipated.  Below are five tips you can follow to help you maximize your savings while living as an expat.

1.  Plan ahead.  Before heading out to live in a foreign country, make sure that you have adequate money set aside in the event of an emergency or in the event that unexpected expenses arise.  I recommend setting up a bank account that you can access from your destination country. Use an international bank for instance, as international banks offer many perks over domestic banks.

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