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saving and spending


How Much Is A Dollar Worth To You?

I recently read an interesting article on that talks about how the value of a dollar changes depending on what life stage you are in.  For example, as a child, you would have cherished one dollar as if it was an entire fortune, but at different times in your life, you will likely value it differently.  The main point of the article is to set up a strategy so that you are making the best use of your money throughout your life.

For people who struggle all their lives to make ends meet, the value of the dollar will likely be fairly consistent through all life stages, however, for those who have enough money to cover all the bills without a lot of stress, it appears that the value of a dollar becomes less meaningful especially when one is older.  According to the article, “… it often becomes clear that the precious dollar of today is better spent than saved for the future, when it will be of much less personal value”.

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Live For Today But Still Plan For Tomorrow

Life seems to be a bit of a balancing act.  We need to make sure that we are enjoying the here and now, without neglecting to save for our future. Although none of us are guaranteed another day, we live in anticipation of waking up every morning and carrying on as usual.  So although we need to plan ahead, it is just as important that we make sure to live a little in the present, too.

This is something I really struggle with sometimes.  I get so carried away with saving for future goals like travel, our next vacation, and retirement, that I do not often let myself spend money on the things I enjoy right now.  I make a lot of sacrifices, which I anticipate will pay off in the long run, but again, who is to say that I will still be here tomorrow?  That being said, I do not expect my personality will change that much.  I will likely be just as frugal as before, most of the time, but I am going to make myself enjoy my money a bit more while I have it.

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