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How To Cope Financially When You Are Unable To Work

There are a million ways to budget effectively and prioritize your earnings after your pay date, but this doesn’t mean a thing when you are unable to work and by extension, have little income finding its way into your bank accounts. Pinching the pennies might seem more difficult than ever. If you’re happily reading this article employed and able, this doesn’t mean you should feel it’s any less relevant to your situation. Unfortunately, people can find themselves in difficult life situations at the drop of a hat, and many of them can affect the ability to hold down a permanent job.

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How Rising Interest Rates Affect Your Savings

Countries tend to go through interest rate cycles and a higher interest rate ensures a better return on your hard-earned cash. Inflation, if not accounted for, could devastate your savings. A rise in the interest rate must be considered in conjunction with inflation in order to assess its actual impact on your savings. Here are a few things to consider when saving in a rising interest rate environment.

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Money Saving Tips

Save For A Rainy Day Fund Today And Redirect Lawsuit Funding Towards The Emergency Fund

Do you have an emergency fund?Life is full of ups and downs. You can sail through tough times if you have the support of your loved ones and adequate funds to see you through. It is important to save for rainy day funds. With high rates of unemployment and inflation it is important to plan well in advance for the future. A rainy day fund is also known as an emergency fund which will ensure your financial liquidity at all times. You can consider putting away some amount of your income in an interest earning savings account to secure your future. Do not use this amount of money for investments.

Maintaining a savings account

For rainy day funds a regular saving account is ideal. The savings can get you through tough financial situations and help you to finance emergencies. You should keep this section of your savings in a different account where other transactions do not affect this savings. It is essential that you are consistent and savings become a regular part of your monthly budget. Decide on how much you can save and ways in which you can reduce your spending. This additional amount of money can go into your rainy day funds. Do not wait for the end of the month to make the deposit and do not make withdrawals from the saving account until it is necessary.

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What Is An Emergency Fund?

do you have an emergency fundHave you ever heard anybody tell you that they have just built their emergency fund? If you have, then did you ever ask them what an emergency fund actually is? I ask this because most people that I talk with have no clue what an emergency fund is or why it is important to their financial future.

What you need to know is that an emergency fund is where you save money for emergencies only. For example, losing your job would be considered an emergency. This is also the reason why an emergency fund should be at least 6 months of your total monthly expenses. Now, I know that saving this much money could be rather difficult for you but the nice thing about having it is that it will make the rest of your life that much easier. Trust me, everybody that has a 6 month emergency fund is stress free and on their way to a successful financial future.

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Why Comparing Savings Deals Can Make You Money

Everyone will tell you that you need to save money, and while it is a good idea to save, you should not just put your money into the first savings vehicle you come across.  Instead, you will find that it truly does pay to do your homework.  Although it will take some time, it will be well worth it in the end.

High Interest Savings Accounts

For example, if you want to keep your money in a regular savings account, select one that has no monthly fees or transaction fees, and make sure that it pays the highest amount of interest.  Most financial institutions have at least one type of high interest savings account, but not all are equal, so be sure to find out the details before making your choice.  High interest savings accounts are good for money that you need access to and for big expenditures that you have planned in the near future.

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