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5 Affordable Ways To Improve Your Home Security

ways to keep your home safe for lessKeeping the home safe and secure should be a major concern for home owners everywhere, regardless of their location. The home is a castle, and you’re right to be concerned about defending your castle. Home security is one of the most valuable investments you can make, but you may feel like your budget doesn’t allow for a major expense. If so, consider these 5 easy ways to improve your home security without breaking the bank.

Lock Up Tight
Your first lines of defense in your home security plan are your locks. Quality locks on your doors and windows will go a long way in increasing your sense of security at home, and this is not a huge expense. You may want to replace the locks in a new move-in or if you’ve lost a key, but once your home’s openings are outfitted with secure locks you should be able to feel safe. Be sure to use deadbolts, rather than door handle locks, to keep your doors shut when you’re away from home.

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