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Earn Extra Money

Selling Your Old Books? How To Get The Most Money

sell your old books to make extra moneyAll of us have times in our lives when we need to make some quick cash, but we’re not really sure how to do it. Interestingly enough, the one option that many of us overlook is selling some of the items in our house (or office or dorm room) that we no longer use; items like our old books, for instance.

Although thanks to the progression of technology (which brought us things like e-books, Kindles and Nooks), hardback and paperback books are not as much in high demand as they used to be. However, as long as there are people around who love to read, there will always be individuals who still enjoy reading (dare we say it?) the old-fashioned way. So, if you have some old books and you’d like to earn some money from them, we have five tips on how you can get the most money for them below:

Examine your books thoroughly. Like most used things that are put on the market, people don’t want a book that is extremely worn. When it comes to books specifically, this would mean ones that are marked up, highlighted or with pages that are crumpled, ripped or torn out. So, make sure that whatever books you want to sell that you inspect them to make sure they are as “like new” as possible.

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Earn Extra Money

How To Make Money From Your Old Tech Items

how to make money on your tech itemsIf there’s one thing that all of us can probably agree on, it would be the fact that we all could use a bit more money in our wallets. No matter how hard we work and how many ways we learn to cut corners, there still seems to be an unexpected expense that occurs or a bill that needs to be paid.

We’re pretty sure that if you caught the title of this article, you can totally relate. Here’s the good news: If you have some old electronics lying around your house, they may just be as good as money in the bank. That’s because rather than letting them collect dust in your garage, there are a few things that you can do to earn an extra dollar or two. Check these leads out:

Go with Gazelle. A very popular way to make money from used tech items is to visit the website Gazelle. It is a company that is specifically created to purchase used iPhones, GPS systems, hard drives, satellite radios and even Blu-ray movies. From the sale, they will send you a check, pay you via PayPal, issue you an Amazon gift card or you can even donate the funds to a charity of your choosing. (Wal-Mart is a partner of theirs, so you can physically take your items to a location nearby if you would prefer.)

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