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shopping for groceries


Ways We Save On Groceries Every Month

Believe it or not, there are some easy ways you can save money on groceries. Here are a few things that we do to save:

1)      We keep track of our grocery spending. We use a simple Excel spreadsheet to keep track of spending each month. That way throughout the month, we can double check how much we’ve already spent. This keeps us on track.

2)      We check the online flyer for our favorite grocery store and make our grocery list according to the sales. Of course, we don’t buy things just because they’re on sale, but if the items are a staple we will make note of the best price and be sure to select that brand.

3)      We buy two weeks’ worth of groceries at once rather than going to the store multiple times. We find this saves us a lot of money and time, too. If you’re going to do this, it is important that you eat the items that go bad fast first, and then save the longer lasting items until the second week. It won’t take you long to figure this out.

4)      We use our Visa rewards card every time we pay for groceries. By doing so, we earn reward points that we can redeem for travel and other perks. We make sure to pay the balance in full each month so as to avoid any interest or late fees.

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