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Money Saving Tips

5 Ways Expats Can Maximize Their Savings

Living as a foreigner can be daunting at times.  You face culture shock and you become exposed to all sorts of things that differ from your home country.  You will be sure to find some of what you experience to be fascinating, while other things may horrify you.

Depending on where you live, you may face greater living expenses and miscellaneous expenses than you first anticipated.  Below are five tips you can follow to help you maximize your savings while living as an expat.

1.  Plan ahead.  Before heading out to live in a foreign country, make sure that you have adequate money set aside in the event of an emergency or in the event that unexpected expenses arise.  I recommend setting up a bank account that you can access from your destination country. Use an international bank for instance, as international banks offer many perks over domestic banks.

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