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What Can Mom And Dad Investors Learn From Corporate Finance?

What is corporate finance?

Most, if not all companies are created to make money.  Corporate finance deals with the financial decisions that are made by the company, and the goal is always to maximize the value of the corporation while keeping risks low.  In essence, the goal of those working in corporate finance is to maximize shareholder value.

Who does corporate finance?

Professional such as accountants and financial analysts perform the tasks of corporate finance within big companies and firms.

What are some of the responsibilities of people who do corporate finance?

People who are part of the corporate finance team for any given firm are responsible for managing the money forecasting – determining where it will come from and where it should be spent in order to maximize returns.

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Make A Money Date With Your Spouse

A great way for couples to manage their money effectively is to routinely set up money dates.  Pick a time when you are both alert and set aside about 30 minutes to discuss your current financial situation.  Be sure to touch on any outstanding or upcoming bills and evaluate your current debt situation.  It is also important to talk about how much you are saving as a couple each month and what your goals are for the short and long term.

Couples who set up money dates on a regular basis find it much easier to manage their money.  It is important for both parties to understand where the family is at now and where they are headed.  Both can contribute to the discussion and can have input into where changes need to be made.

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Find A Good Financial Advisor

When building a financial strategy for yourself and your family, it’s a good idea to take the time to meet with a Financial Advisor, as advisors are experts in investing, taxation, estate planning, retirement planning, and insurance.  When you partner with a Financial Advisor, they will be able to help you build a strategy in order to achieve your financial goals.  Why try to do it all on your own when you can take advantage of professional guidance?

That being said, it’s important that you find a good Financial Advisor that has your best interests at heart.  Below are some things to look for when you are choosing a Financial Advisor:

*You need to feel comfortable with the advisor so you can work well together.

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Create Some Financial New Year’s Resolutions for 2010

Now that 2010 has come upon us, I think it’s important to make a few New Year’s Resolutions.  When it comes to finances, it’s always important to set goals and to stick with them.  I want to share with you my three main Financial New Year’s Resolutions for 2010 in hopes that they will encourage you to set your own goals for this New Year.

Resolution #1:  Stick within our grocery budget.  I often tend to overspend on groceries and I have discovered that little extras here and there tend to add up quite quickly.  I vow to be more careful in 2010 and am bound and determined to stick within my grocery budget.

Resolution #2:  Since my husband and I plan to do some extensive traveling in the near future, we want to save as much money as possible this year in every way possible.  I also plan on working some overtime in the hopes of building up our travel fund even quicker.  I find it is much easier to save when we have an exciting use for the money.  It is quite boring to save otherwise.  So, yes, my second resolution is to save, save, and save some more!

Resolution #3:  I vow to do more homework on learning how to be more tax efficient with our money.  I will do more number crunching to determine how much is worth contributing to our RRSPs and how much should be set aside elsewhere to supplement our retirement income.  I also want to do further research on the home renovation tax credit to see if we can take advantage of this program before it’s too late.

For other financial resolutions ideas for 2010, check out’s article on the subject at this link.