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smart phone insurance


Should You Consider Buying Insurance For Your Smartphone?

smartphone insuranceThese days the vast majority of Americans leave the house with a smartphone in their pocket. These incredible devices can complete a phone call from the majority of locations around the earth, but that’s only the beginning of their application. Gone are the days when sending a text message was looked at as high technology. People now use their smartphones to deposit checks and transfer money from accounts all across the world. Smartphones are our navigators and GPS locators in the wilds. They’re an endless supply of apps, from video games to recipe guides. Smartphones are our cameras and our social networking portals. People spend huge chunks of their days with their eyes on those tiny screens, and really who can blame them? Smartphones are incredibly powerful computing devices, yet so simple that even small children can use them. With so much riding on your smartphone working when you need it to it’s natural to want to protect it from all possible issues. Should you consider buying insurance for your smartphone?

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