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Look For Clearance Items When You Shop

I have recently become more proactive at looking for the clearance items sections when I visit various stores including grocery stores, pharmacies, and even clothing stores.  Whether it be due to upcoming expiration dates or a small insignificant amount of damage to clothing, many retail outlets have a clearance section that allows their customers to buy products at a deep discount.

If you want to save money when you shop, I recommend that you check out the clearance items first before being willing to pay regular price for any items you need.  For example, the other day I stopped by a pharmacy to fill a prescription and discovered that a high quality body wash was priced at under $1.50.  A brand of shampoo I like was about 65 cents, and so on.  So, I stocked up on some items that I know I will use for a fraction of the price.

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A Quick And Easy Way To View Flyers Online And Save Money

Right now my husband and I live in apartment, so we don’t receive the grocery store flyers in our mailbox.  Because I like to be informed of the sales before I go shopping, I simply go to and look at the flyers online.  The website is quick and really easy to use and it allows me to make a list of the best deals before I shop.  In fact, I prefer using flyerland to receiving paper copies of the flyers.  It’s better for the environment and easier to skim through.

Flyerland also contains various coupons  and contests that you may be interested in.  Although there are many coupon websites for Americans, Canadians sadly have very few.  So, to all you Canadians out there looking for the best deals, I would definitely encourage you to check out Flyerland.

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How To Save Money When You Shop At Bulk Barn

In case you have never heard of it, Bulk Barn is a Canadian franchise that sells a wide variety of bulk foods including all kinds of candy, health foods, pastas, and much more.  If you have an allergy to gluten, there are many gluten-free products available including snack foods, chocolate, and brown rice pastas.  You can save yourself a lot of money by shopping at Bulk Barn, but here are a few tips to follow in order to do so:

1.  Watch your prices. Just like at any other store, some things are a bargain, but others are overpriced.  Although you may think that everything would be cheaper at a bulk food store, think again.  Certain products such as all purpose flour actually will cost you more if you buy it at Bulk Barn.  Also, you will often be able to find your cereals for less at a regular grocery store, especially if you buy cereal when it goes on sale.  And to all you junk food junkies, another thing to watch out for is certain types of candy.  Sometimes you can buy candy cheaper at Walmart or on sale at grocery stores.  A good example of this would be M & Ms.

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How To Save Lots Of Money Without Depriving Yourself

Imagine you’re looking to buy a big screen TV. When you walk into the store, a salesman approached you and after talking to you about your needs, he gave you three choices:

  1. Toshiba – $2000
  2. Samsung – $2300
  3. Sony – $2500

Other than the brand, you couldn’t see any difference in them – and you didn’t care about the design of the TV. Which would you choose?

Most people would be stumped. Yet we face similar choices on a daily basis. Would you buy a $5, $6 or $7 pen? Which shampoo should you try this month? What about your toothpaste?

According to Dan Ariely, author of Predictably Irrational , when faced with a choice we can’t make, most people would go for the safe choice, which in this case, would be Samsung. Why? Because we are wary of the cheapest choice yet afraid of paying too much for something we are not sure about.

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Budget Fashion – A Guide To Saving Money On Your Wardrobe

We all reach a point where a new pair of shoes has to be weighed up against the fact the gas bill is due, but being savvy with your cash doesn’t mean you can’t have a great wardrobe too. There are lots of easy (and fun!) ways to save money on your fashion fix – and you could even get the season’s must-have items for free! Take a look at our guide to saving money on your wardrobe for some inspiration:

Use Coupons And Voucher Codes

There are hundreds of web sites offering a host of discounts, offers, and deals to use in-store and online – and high street stores love them! Keep an eye out for coupons for up to 50 per cent off items at your favorite shop at sites such as myvouchercodes and Groupon. And remember, often you can double up on vouchers if you find more than one, just check the terms and conditions. Many vouchers can also be used on already discounted items. It’s also a good idea to keep an eye out for in-store publications, which often carry tear-out vouchers for last minute discounts and freebies. For Penny Saver Blog UK readers New Look, Dorothy Perkins and Marks and Spencer are good ones to look out for!

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