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spend less

Money Saving Tips

How To Reduce Your Spending in 2017

Many of us struggle when it comes to the end of the month. The beginning of a new year is always a good time to assess what’s going on with your finances, and identify ways you could make savings in the months to come. If you search online for saving tips, you’ll find hundreds of suggestions, but how many are actually relevant or effective? Here are some measures you can try that will actually help you reduce spending in 2017.

Shop around for the best energy deals

Have you been with the same energy provider for years? If so, you could be missing out on incentives for new clients and low electricity rates. You may think that you’re getting the best prices in reward for your loyalty to a company. But often, it doesn’t work like that, and the best offers are reserved for new customers. If you’re shopping around, you’ll find that providers compete for your custom, giving you access to preferential tariffs and introductory deals. It takes a few minutes to compare prices online. It’s also worth giving your current provider a call and mentioning that you’re thinking of moving to another firm.

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