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student debt


5 Tips For Graduating From College Without Debt

how to graduate without debtMost of us would agree with the fact that it is a smart decision to go to college and earn a degree; especially being that there are many studies to support the fact that the average college graduate earns about $20,000 per year more than someone in the workforce who only has a high school diploma.

That’s not to say that college is not a huge financial investment. So much in fact, that an overwhelming majority of college graduates leave college with as much as $23,000 worth of student loan debt that must be paid back.  It doesn’t have to be that way for everyone, though. Below, we’ve enclosed five tips on how you can graduate from college without owing a single dime.

Take some college courses in high school. When you go to college, you are paying for each class that you take. The good news is that a large majority of high schools offer advanced placement classes that are available to juniors and seniors. By taking a few of these qualifying classes, high school students can easily shave off a semester or two of college once they enroll. (Also check with your guidance counselor to see if there are actually college courses offered at your school as well.)

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5 Things You Should Know About Student Loans

tips about student loansAlthough everyone deserves the opportunity to better themselves and improve their job prospects by earning a college degree, the sad truth is that few can afford the expense entailed. And while there are certainly ways to mitigate costs, scholarships and grants are both limited and difficult to obtain thanks to stiff competition from other students. The long and short of it is that many college-bound kids find themselves facing a mountain of bills for tuition, books, and living expenses, and their only real option in most cases is to take out student loans to cover these costs. Even with some family help and a part-time job, the majority of students will have to turn to financial aid or possibly private lenders in order to drum up the scratch that will fund their ongoing education. The hope is that all of this will lead to a high-paying job that allows for repayment of the loans. But before you take the money and run, there are a few things you should know about taking out student loans.

The upside of government loans. In the interest of providing for a more educated populace, the government has seen fit to offer student loans by way of federal financial aid. In fact, this comprises the vast majority of all student loans (somewhere between 90 and 95%, it is estimated). And the benefits for students include no onus to repay until school is completed, as well as lower interest rates than those offered by other lenders. It’s a great way for students to cover expenses in college without the worry of an immediate repayment schedule to contend with.

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