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student loans


Should You Refinance Your Student Loans To Save Money?

Millions of people struggle with student loans when they graduate. Even if they make their monthly payments, research shows that over 60% of current student loan holders expect to be paying off their student loans in their 40s. A combination of high debt and high interest can extend the life of a loan.

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How Should I Approach My Student Loan Debt?

Have you got a plan for how you’re going to pay off your student loan debt? If not, it’s probably something that you should start thinking about. It’s not going to go away if you ignore it, so it makes sense to confront it in one way or another. When the sum is so big, it can be pretty daunting, but don’t let that scare you too much. There are always ways to whittle down and eventually pay it off.

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3 Ways To Avoid Financial Trouble As A Student

Being a student is, in many respects, a hard life. The stresses and strains of getting up at midday, living off beans on toast and a few hours of study per week can really bring some near breaking point. All jokes aside, finances can be very difficult when you first move away from home, so here are a few tips to help you avoid troubles in this area.

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Money Saving Tips

How To Save Money When Living On Student Loans

Living on student loans usually means a less than luxurious lifestyle that can be hard to stick to. With that said if you’re in the midst of your online bachelors in business and find it’s hard just to get by money-wise, then you’re going to love these money saving tips we’ve put together for you.

Borrow Textbooks

If your course requires text books, then it’s likely you will be spending a small fortune purchasing them. Whenever possible, look to borrow copies from your local library, or even look for gently used copies that you can buy for a fraction of the cost.

Fast Food is Your Enemy

We all know that students live busy lifestyles, and that usually means a healthy dose of fast food. Here’s an interesting experiment for you to try. Over the course of one or two weeks jot down each time you purchase food or drink and the cost of the item(s). This includes all those random coffees you grab here and there. At the end of the week add up what you’ve spent; you may find yourself a bit shocked how quickly that one dollar here and two dollars there adds up.

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Easy Student Loans

student loan tipsTaking Out A Student Loan

If you are a student, you probably already know all about student loans. Student loans are loans that are available specifically for students to cover the costs of tuition and board. There are government student loans and private student loans. You need to apply for these and based on the amount of money available to your school, your family’s financial situation and the number of students that applied for loans, you will be offered a loan amount. Many people find that their student loans are not enough to get them comfortably through college and they need extra cash above and beyond what the loans offer. There are some smart finance solutions that you can consider to help you through.

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