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Book Reviews

Think Positively About Your Finances

positive thinking and personal financeWritten more than five decades ago, Norman Vincent Peale’s book The Power of Positive Thinking contains wisdom that can still be applied in our lives today. The book contains many stories and illustrations of how people’s lives dramatically improved after they changed their way of thinking. Rather than giving in to the struggles in life, these people overcame their issues through faith and changing their frame of mind.

You get what you expect.

According to the author, “It is a well-defined and authentic principle that what the mind profoundly expects it tends to receive.” In other words, if you think you are going to fail, you likely will. The good news is that if you believe that you will succeed, you likely will.

Your thinking affects your whole life.

The way we think about ourselves and the world will determine how well we perform in life. Whether we realize it or not, it is our attitude towards life which is far more important than our circumstances. You may be struggling financially and think it will never end, but don’t give up hope. Instead, believe that you will find a way to get back on your feet again.

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