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time saving tips


A Great Time Saving Device That You Will Love – The iRobot Roomba 530

iRobot roombaHow it all started…

It’s kind of comical how we ended up buying our iRobot Roomba 530. My husband told me that he was willing to start looking after cleaning the floors in our home. I was pumped as I find my weekends are generally filled with so many things to do after working all week, and not having to clean the floors would give me more time to get my other stuff done.

So, a few days later, I came home from work and discovered that my husband bought us a robot, and not just any robot, one that will clean our floors! At first I thought this was kind of weird. I mean, who would have thought of buying a robot? It makes me think of that movie with Will Smith when all the robots turn evil and start killing people.

It took a while to get over the strangeness of having a robot in my home.

Anyway, after getting over the weirdness of the whole thing, I began to really like this little robot. After all, it saves me at least two to three hours of time every week, freeing me up to do other things.

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