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travel insurance


Why Travel Medical Insurance Is Important

Traveling is a wonderful experience.  It is always nice to see a different part of the world whether it is by car or boat or plane.  It is important, however, that you prepare properly for your trip by purchasing appropriate travel insurance.  First check to see if your employee benefits package contains the proper travel medical insurance.  Also, see if any other insurance you already pay for will provide you with coverage.  If not, then you need to read on.

During the past few years my husband and I have taken several road trips that have taken us to both Canadian coasts as well as down into the United States.  Until recently, however, we never even thought of buying travel medical insurance.  Thankfully nothing happened to us that would require the need for medical assistance, however, if it had, especially during our travels to the States, we would seriously have regretted overlooking the importance of travel medical insurance.

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