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Travel & Entertainment

A Way To Eat Lobster For Less

If you are a lobster fan, you will know how expensive it can be to order it at a restaurant.  When my husband and I traveled to Prince Edward Island one summer we each ordered a lobster and our bill was almost $100!  That was the most I ever paid at a restaurant.

But there is a more affordable way to enjoy fresh lobster.  Every once in a while, I pick up a couple of live lobsters at Superstore or Sobeys.  It is weird the first few times, bringing home living creatures in a bag, but I have gotten used it.

Once at home, my husband cooks them in boiling water.  They don’t scream like they do in the movies.  It is very uneventful, actually.  By cooking them ourselves, we can have a lobster dinner for about $25.  Most often I buy lobster at $10 per pound, although occasionally it does go on sale.

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