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vacations tips

Travel & Entertainment

5 Easy Ways To Save Money When Planning Your Next Vacation

vacation tipsA vacation is meant to fill you with a sense of adventure and the opportunity for a little R&R. If the planning process is too stressful because of the amount of work involved in finding ways to stick to your budget, you might just throw in the towel and stay home. But it just so happens that there are plenty of ways to save money when you plan your next trip. Here are a few you’ll definitely want to add to your play book.

Use travel rewards. If you have yet to sign up for a credit card that offers you reward points for every purchase, then now is a good time to get started, and there is no shortage of programs that will help you pay for travel. You can also sign up for memberships with vendors like airlines, hotel chains, or rental car agencies that you prefer, gaining rewards with every trip. In some cases your reward points can be used to pay off travel expenses you place on a credit card, while others allow you to input your account number at the time of purchase for immediate savings on your travel bookings.

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