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water filter


Use a Water Filter

water filterIn many places the tap water is safe to drink, but with all the chlorine and various minerals in the water, many people prefer to drink bottled water or lug those huge water jugs home every week.  When we first moved into our home our water both tasted and smelled like mold. We were willing to try anything.  We decided to take the big jug route, but after a few months of carrying those big jugs full of water we decided to try something else.  We purchased a water filtering system from the Home Depot (GE Dual Stage Water Filtration System) for about $160.00 and my husband installed it himself.  The filters need replacing approximately every 6 months (depending on family size and water usage) and they cost about $60.00.   So, for about $120 a year we can drink good-tasting water without the hassle of carrying heavy jugs or harming the environment with hundreds of used water bottles.