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wireless card reader


Choosing A Wireless Card Reader For Your POS System

wireless card readerWireless billing systems are here to stay. Vendors like Shopify are now offering innovative but miniature credit card terminals. These terminals can be plugged into tablets or smartphones to process payments and they are turning out to be quite popular.

Unfortunately, retailers have yet to be convinced to invest in these systems, says Transfirst. They were already using traditional credit card readers to process payments. They had also paid a substantial amount of money to the vendor and the bank, and they were not willing to shift over to wireless terminals so suddenly. Moreover, the general idea was to wait and watch as technology usually changed quickly. Retailers thought that wireless systems would not be useful. There was also a chance these wireless POS system would not gain popularity with customers and it would be a useless investment.

This Perception Is Not True.

Wireless systems are the next step in POS evolution. According to Mobile-Financial, more than 40 percent of small business owners have already shifted over to miniaturized credit card readers. The reasoning for this was simple. Small business owners could not afford traditional POS systems. These systems cost anywhere from $10,000 to about $15,000 or more. They could not afford to pay the rental charges for traditional credit card readers as well. As a result, they usually turned away customers who proffered credit cards. This was particularly true for business owners who did not have brick-and-mortar stores. The newer tablet-based wireless POS systems could be operated through a smartphone or a tablet and they were very easy to use. Customers could collect payments from anywhere and they have now become an accepted method of collecting payments-on-the-go from customers.

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