
Creating A More Successful Organization Through Employee Engagement

Employee engagement is critical for organizational success. Employee engagement is the active workplace involvement of an employee that establishes and sustains mental and emotional connections between the employee and the organization. The more involved an employee is in their job, the more dedicated, loyal, and trustworthy they will be to the company.

Several resources can help improve Employee Engagement. Resources such as the Matter app will begin the process of understanding employee’s needs, goals, and concerns within the organization.

Employee involvement starts with organizational communication. For corporate communication to be effective, both employers and employees have to be actively aware of all areas of the organization. Organizations witness most system failures due to an error in communication from one department to the next. In organizational communication, each area of the business relies heavily on information from each other. If people do not communicate that information effectively, the system will slowly start to unravel. Communication is one of the most essential elements of running a successful business.

How an organization chooses to use communication and culture can determine the success of the business. A recent study by the Journal of Social and Behavioral Sciences claims that most employees do not feel motivated at work because of the sour relationship they experience with their supervisor. Organizations that create a positive work environment are those that promote honest and open communication. In turn, the culture of these organizations encourages healthy relationships and encourage employees to fulfill both short and long-term goals. Without a healthy communication style and proper values, organizations will have a more difficult time succeeding.

Employers must recognize that they have control over their company’s communication style and culture. Employees need to know that their employers care about them and the services/products they provide, which, in turn, creates a more successful employee involvement rate. Without open communication and a positive work environment, organizations will not be successful.

There are several ways to start implementing a stronger employee involvement rate within an organization.

Ask employees the areas they wish for improvement. As mentioned before, employees can often feel disconnected from their jobs if they do not feel their opinion matters to the organization. The first step in employee involvement is to take the initiative in finding what matters to the employee.

Take action on improvement. Once there is a clear understanding of the employee’s needs and concerns, it is crucial for management to take action and either change or compromise on some of the employee’s interests. This understanding will not only build that basic level of trust between the employee and the organization, but also drive belongingness in employees because they believe the organization listens to them.

Follow-up on those changes. Once the gates of communication have been opened and changes implemented, management should follow-up to make sure employee satisfaction is still being met. Over time, this organizational communication will only further help the organization in its success.


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