
Four Money-Earning Styles

Chances are you grew up thinking you would graduate from high school, earn a college degree, and snag a job that would take you through to retirement. But as you grew up, you might have realized the working world doesn’t always work that way.

The truth is that people are out there working in all different styles to make ends meet, and some styles will work better for you than for others. Check out these four styles of earning money to see what kind of bread-winner you are and maybe discover a new way to get more out of it than before.

One-hit Wonder

This is the big one. One Hit Wonders started working with a company that they’ll never leave. Maybe they started in entry-level positions and worked their way up into positions with more responsibility, or maybe they came in on top and have been killing it ever since.

These are people who enjoy the consistency of one job where they can become an expert within the company and add to its success. Does this sound like you? Look for long-term positions or positions in large companies with lots of space to advance. Lucky for you, there are lots of businesses like this to pursue.

Side Hustler

These are the superstars killing it at their primary job (full- or part-time) but also trying to make some money on the side. Side hustles can be used solely to bring in supplementary income, or they can be a way to justify spending time on a well-loved hobby even if you can’t fully support yourself on it.

Side Hustlers are for those go-getters that like to be busy doing something and getting as much out of their extracurricular activities as possible. To an outsider, they are just plain productive. So if you’ve got a side blog, maybe you should take a few more steps to monetize your website and join this group that includes writers, data entry workers, and repair specialists.


While they have some similarities to the Side Hustler, the Poly-employee is a bit more of a free spirit. These people work two or more jobs, juggling schedules week by week. They may seem like they are always working, but they have some good work buddies to get them through the long hours, even if they’re not particularly social. They never stop moving, so they’re ready to take on anything that comes their way.

Today’s “jack of all trades”, Poly-employees are prepared to do whatever it takes to support themselves and maybe fund a few whirlwind travels. You’ll likely find these guys in food service, sales, and retail establishments that have some flexibility, overlappings shifts, and customers coming and going all day long.


This guy consistently moves from one position to another, experiencing new positions, companies, and even fields of work. Most people would fall into this category as one of two types.

The first type transitions from job to job without any breaks. When they’re ready to move on to something else, they write cover letters and attend interviews while still working, only leaving their current position once they have a new one lined up. These are the planners, calculating each step up and each step forward.

The second type likes a nice demarcation between positions, and it typically comes on for Stone-steppers that are impatient to move forward or want a clean break from their previous place of work.

Whether that’s because they weren’t happy at their last job or they want some space to recuperate before starting a new job, it’s easy to get caught in that in-between space if they linger too long, so don’t get too comfortable there!

Which One Are You?

You may find that you relate to more than one of these or that your money-earning style has changed. And who knows, you may have a style all your own that doesn’t fit in with the common ones mentioned here.

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