Money Saving Tips

How To Save On Moving Expenses

moving costsWhen it’s time to move to another house or even another state, although the transition of entering into a new season of life can definitely be exciting, if there’s one thing that no one really looks forward to (and oftentimes does not budget for either), it would have to be incurring the additional moving expenses. Although it is an “extra bill” that can be a bit of a pain, you can save quite a bit of money by simply preparing ahead of time.

That’s what we’re here for: To provide you with some tips on how you can make moving much less stressful by making it as inexpensive as possible:

Don’t take what you don’t need. The more stuff that you have, the more boxes you will need and ultimately, a larger-sized truck that you will have to get as well. One way to trim down a lot of time and money is by getting rid of what you don’t need. So, go through all of your clothes, books, electronics and all of that stuff that’s been collecting dust in your attic and garage. What you really don’t use much, donate it to Goodwill or hold a yard sale to make a few extra dollars. Oh, and if you realize that some of your furniture is either too large or too dated, get rid of that as well.

Research moving companies. Whether you’re looking for some movers in Westborough or closer to your hometown, you may end up paying more than you had to if you would have simply gone to Google and put “moving companies” along with your city and state in the search field. So, spend some time looking at the rates per hour and comparing them with other companies. That’s a better way to get a good price. Also, it’s good to know ahead of time that movers tend to charge more money during the summer, on the weekends and during the holiday season. So, if there’s any way that you can move around those dates, you’ll be glad that you did. Or, you can go “the old-fashioned route” and recruit a few family members or friends. They may do it for the cost of a pizza or two.

Be creative with moving supplies. OK, here’s the thing: Another bonus to getting rid of stuff is that you can actually use those (now) empty boxes to pack up the items that you actually want to keep. Our main point with this part is that you should avoid buying a lot of items to move with. You probably already have duct tape and markers in a drawer in your kitchen or home office. Old magazines are good “cushion” for fragile items (if you pack smart) or you can go to the newspaper company in your city and ask them for some of the about-to-be-discarded newspapers that they may have. Also, if you do happen to need some additional boxes, ask a local grocery or liquor store for some. They are usually more than happy to get some of them off of their hands for the asking price of absolutely nothing.

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