Money Saving Tips

How To Spend Less As A Student

When you’re a student, there are so many different directions that your life could go in, so much so that sometimes it could only be one tiny decision that you make in the heat of the moment, and that could completely change the path that you’re heading down. A lot of the time, being a student is divided into two categories. The first being the people that know exactly what they want to do, who they want to be, and how to get there. And the others that aren’t so sure at all, so they wander around in the hopes that they’ll have a eureka moment and everything will fit into place.

Now although the second example doesn’t sound very organized, it can actually work out very well. If you aren’t testing the waters, then how are you ever going to truly know what it is that excites you and makes you happy? So if you’re in this situation at the moment, don’t ever let yourself think you’re just someone floating by. You have your reasons for doing what you do, and as long as you follow things through, then no one can tell you to do any different.

One of the biggest stresses that seem unnecessary, and yet is an issue for everyone, is trying to juggle all the other responsibilities that are going on. For example, not only is there the standard pressure that is being put onto you about deciding what you want to do as a career and how you plan on getting there. It’s also how you expect to get what you want with the little money you have. You see, there is always a price to everything, and unfortunately, the older you get, the more apparent that becomes. And because of this, it can cause a slight problem along your journey if you don’t yet have that financial freedom.

Trying to budget and manage your money when you’re a student though is a lot harder than people imagine. In order to make it work, you have to be organized and sensible, while maintaining as much willpower as you possibly can.

If you’re not entirely sure how to make the right decisions that will not only cost you less, but also allow you to save up for the future, then here are some of the best ideas and tricks that you can do. You may find that some work a lot better than others, and vice versa, so have a play around with ideas and see what works out best for you and your own personal circumstances.

Study online when possible

Online courses not only tend to be a lot quicker, as the amount you do every day is essentially up to you as you just do it from the comfort of your own home (or wherever you are!) If you look on sites like, you will see all the courses that are available to be done online. This is also great if you have other responsibilities that take up a lot of your time, because it won’t feel as though you’re having to carry so much pressure around as you can do this in your downtime without feeling rushed to perform perfectly in front of a whole class.

Get a part-time job

Understandably, the idea of getting a full-time job will just be too much to handle, but there is no reason that you can’t manage with a part-time job. Ideally, you would want to do something that’s flexible so that it can cater around your other responsibilities. Good jobs for students tend to be something in the hospitality industry, like serving or bartending. Or you may find weekend work in a clothing store. You might not be necessarily making hundreds a week, but it’s something, and that little bit of something certainly goes a long way, especially when you’re already having to scape by and eat rations.

Take advantage of student discounts

One of the coolest parts to being a student, is having that magical ID card that somehow miraculously allows you to have things for cheaper. For the most part, you can bag yourself a decent twenty percent off clothing stores, but if you do the right kind of research, you will find out that it goes way beyond that too. Places offer discounts on tech items and gadgets, and even restaurants are now cutting down the prices for students like explains. So now is the time to really take advantage of that while you can and enjoy some of the perks of being a hardworking, stressed out student.

Plan your food shops

When it’s that time of the week where you need to stock up on food supplies, then you’ll know it’s also the moment where you buy the cheapest tinned food and essentially live off the same boring thing every day, because you simply can’t afford to buy anything other than that. But you can. It’s just about planning it properly and making food last. You see, you can make large meals with only a few basic ingredients, that not only tastes delicious, but lasts for the next couple of days. This is a bonus because it covers you for a longer period of time, and it’s also ready-made now so you can just heat it up in the microwave and you’re good to go.

So now that you see all the various options that are out there that can make a really big difference, not only in saving your money, but even making that little bit extra too – there’s no excuses as to why you can’t make life easier for yourself. Of course, there are some situations that are just tough luck and you either accept it or not. But when you aren’t required to, and you have that little bit of freedom and leeway, you should always try and look for the cheaper option. Why wouldn’t you?

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