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Are You Feeding Your Soul Or Just Your Bank Account?

don't neglect yoru soulThis may sound like a cheesy topic, but just bear with me for a minute, and maybe you will see where I am going with this.

How much of your day is taken up with earning money?  I am not just talking about the time spent at work, but the time spent commuting to work, the time spent at home when you are thinking about work, and whatever else I failed to mention here.  For most people, the answer is probably a lot higher than they realize.

So what can we all do about it?  Well, for starters, we need to consciously take the time to feed our souls, too, and not just our bank accounts.  One easy way is to pop in a CD of an artist you really enjoy while driving to work.   Pick something that relaxes you, that moves you, and that puts you in a good mood.  This simple thing is a way to feed your soul.  And it doesn’t cost you anything.

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Why Do You Spend Money?

In order for us to take control of our spending, it is important for us to be aware of when and why we spend.  Only then can we make necessary changes and improve our spending habits.

What mood are you in when you spend money?

Generally speaking, when you spend money are you in a good mood or a bad mood? Do you spend money to cheer you up after a bad day or do you spend money in celebration of something great that just happened?

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How Going Green Will Actually Save You Money

Many people think that if you and your family decide to make green choices you will end up spending more money.  And in some ways that’s true.  For instance, if you insist on buying only organic produce in the grocery store and not at more affordable places such as farmer’s markets, then yes, you will spend a lot more on groceries.

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Couples Without Kids Have Endless Opportunities

I know life doesn’t end after you have kids, but being married without kids has fewer responsibilities and does allow you to have a lot more freedom to do what you want with your money.

Also referred to as D.I.N.K.s, (Double Income No Kids), couples who don’t have children can freely choose to live their lives how they want, without worrying about providing for their children’s present and future.

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Success Does Not Have To Lead To Excess

Success doesn’t have to lead excess.  Just because you may find yourself becoming more financially successful throughout your life, it doesn’t mean that you should dramatically change your lifestyle.  People who earn more generally spend more, and to a certain extent, that’s okay, but if you find yourself constantly trying to keep up with your peers, you may discover some negative surprises.

Just because your fellow colleague may eat out for lunch every day, drive a fancy car, and wear expensive clothing, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they can afford to.  You don’t know what’s going on behind the scenes. They could be in debt up to their eyebrows for all you know.  What matters most is that you know what you can truly afford and spending accordingly.

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